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Watch Survey Flow


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The image above shows the flow of the survey questions. The questions and responses will look slightly different on the Apple Watch depending on the Apple Watch model size the text might be rendered differently. Not all questions are necessarily visible and scrolling might be required.

Feature Descriptions

Feature nameQuestionTypeResponse options
tc_preferenceHow would you prefer to be?String"Cooler", "No Change", "Warmer"
light_preferenceLight preferenceString"Dimmer", "No Change", "Brighter"
sound_preferenceSound preferenceString"Quieter", "No Change", "Louder"
are_youAre you?String"Outdoor", "Indoor"
location_placeWhere are you?String"Home", "Office", "Vehicle", "Other"
moodWhat mood are you in?String"Bad", "Good", "Neither"
cloWhat clothes are you wearing?String"Very light", "Light", "Medium", "Heavy"
changed_locationHave you changed location, activity or clothing over the last 10-min?String"Yes", "No"

The JSON file for this watch survey is available on Github.